Friday, February 13, 2009


I would never know,
How she took the seat of my innermost emotions and desires,
Why I tried to shun those feelings away.
Yet, inspite of every facet of my perplexities
She keeps coming back.

I cannot fathom these emotions,
Makes me wonder if this is love.
Does it mean love cannot be understood?
If this is what love is,
Does it mean it has to be confessed?

I would never succeed,
To find some words to capture all the things that make you you.
I struggled and failed to write the words,
That made perfect sense.
When all I imagined was it would be simple and effortless.

I cannot uncover these judgments,
Makes me wonder if this is love.
Does it mean love cannot be explained?
If this is what love is,
Does it mean it has to be confessed?

But,I would rather be satisfied.
Regardless of whether you simply know or not,
Just how I feel about you.
For with the feelings I cannot expressed.
For with the words I cannot translate.

P.S.: Happy Valentine's Day


Shantanu said...

I have become quite a regular scanner of your blog.
Have added link to it.. :)

james said...

Thnax buddy.. I will reciprocate the generosity

Unknown said...

Its pretty natural to feel this way when you are in love dear...
nice lines..nice post...i like the title...
well...someone's getting romantic today...ahem !
happy valentine's day !!

Unknown said...

Beautiful lines dude...really like dis post...
Sometimes it's really hard to find da exact words to express ur love...
But don't u think therez also some kinda pleasure in dis sweet pain??

I'll try 2 be truthful said...

someone has fallen , truly . :)

james said...

thanks for all the sweet comments. as far as finding pleasure goes, i think it comes down to individual perspective.u can definitely find comfort if not pleasure

Rojit said...

nicely written's right.. if you could express what love is to the truest sense, or measure it or translate it well, love won't be LOVE anymore..
but whatever be the definition of love, the thing that matters the most is that YOU are feeling it..congrats for that..!!keep writing bro..!!